We use the proven project man­age­ment method PRINCE2®, which con­sti­tutes mod­ern pro­gram­ming tools and tech­niques. We also use a rich base of pre­vi­ously devel­oped solutions.

Soft­ware frameworks

To cre­ate ded­i­cated IT solu­tions we use the fol­low­ing devel­oper frame­works: .NET Frame­work, Axis, CXF, WinAPI, Alfresco, BMC Rem­edy, NSIS, Word­press, Joomla, Zen Cart, Busi­ness Objects, PowerBuilder.

Tools to build tele­com solutions

Our expe­ri­ence cov­ers the use of spe­cial­ized tools, such as Genesys Frame­work, Avaya Enable­ment Server, Aster­isk, SICAP, LMSLAN Man­age­ment System.

Secu­rity and cryptography

Excep­tion­ally good knowl­edge of the OpenSSL and Cryp­toAPI pack­ages as well as rich expe­ri­ence in the IT secu­rity allows us to build truly secure solutions.

Cloud com­put­ing

We are expe­ri­enced in design­ing and imple­ment­ing a dis­trib­uted and scal­able com­put­ing sys­tem. If required, we will cre­ate one and place it in a cloud. For a start, we recom-​mend the Win­dows Azure Platform.

Data­base engines

DB2 LUW, DB2 for AS/​400, Ora­cle, MS SQL, MySQL, Post­greSQL, Inter­base, Sybase Adap­tive Server Any­where, Sybase Adap­tive Server Enter­prise, MS Access, engines of our authorship.


C, C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, Javascript, HTML, PHP, ASP, Pearl, Pas­cal, VB Script, PowerScript.

CASE tools

Pow­erDe­signer, Enter­prise Archi­tect, Visio.

Oper­at­ing systems

Linux, Solaris, Win­dows Server, OS/​400.

IE8+, FF3+
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