Media agency ded­i­cated system

The sys­tem con­trols the flow of doc­u­ments related to the pro­cess­ing of adver­tis­ing cam­paigns; gen­er­ates finan­cial doc­u­ments; and pro­vides an analy­sis of out­lays and incomes. The sys­tem is inte­grated with an account­ing sys­tem, electronic-​banking and media plan­ning systems.

Pobierz notatkę w formacie PDFTake a look at Sybase com­pany press release
about Omega sys­tem.

Press cam­paign plan­ning system

Sys­tem for plan­ning and sup­port­ing press adver­tis­ing cam­paigns. The key fea­tures of the sys­tem is to opti­mize cam­paigns, using price lists and read­er­ship infor­ma­tion; to gen­er­ate doc­u­ments in the MS Office for­mats (pre­sen­ta­tion, cam­paign plan, con­tract, cam­paign cal­en­dar, esti­mate, orders, tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics); and to inte­grate with finan­cial system.

Press sub­scrip­tion system

The goal of the project was to adapt a ready-​made sys­tem to the require­ments of a pub­lish­ing house; to develop aux­il­iary pro­grams; and to coor­di­nate the processes of ver­i­fi­ca­tion, and data reor­ga­ni­za­tion and migration.

Cat­a­logue of press articles

The scheme for cat­a­loging the con­tents of mag­a­zines. The arti­cles are cat­e­go­rized by remote work­ers and stored in a cen­tral data­base. Col­lected infor­ma­tion is used for the inter­nal pur­poses of a pub­lish­ing house.

Sci­en­tific portal

We have devel­oped sev­eral mod­ules of an inter­net semi-​scientific and edu­ca­tional ser­vice. We have also pre­pared sev­eral the­matic sites for that service.

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