Pre­sen­ta­tion of mar­ket research results

A sys­tem for the col­lec­tion, sale, analy­sis and pre­sen­ta­tion of mar­ket research results. The data obtained by means of the CATI, CAWI or CAPI sys­tems are placed in a cen­tral data­base. The end recip­i­ent receives selected data (in accor­dance with the sub­scrip­tion) and a con­ve­nient tool for a mul­ti­vari­ate analysis.

CATI sys­tem

The goal of the sys­tem is to sup­port tele­phone inter­views at a call cen­ter in accor­dance with defin­able sce­nar­ios of inter­views (single-​choice ques­tions, multiple-​choice ques­tion, open ques­tions, con­di­tions, log­i­cal oper­a­tions, mask­ing, bal­anc­ing, order ran­dom­iz­ing and con­trol of stratification).

Pro­duc­tion and sale phono­graphic registry

A sys­tem to enable phono­graphic pro­duc­ers to col­lect and ana­lyze the infor­ma­tion about the pro­duc­tion and sale of music in Poland. This infor­ma­tion is basi­cally used for checks and sta­tis­tics, but also for the devel­op­ment of tele­vi­sion and radio hit charts.

Eco­nomic infor­ma­tion registry

The sys­tem allows the col­lec­tion of eco­nomic infor­ma­tion from across the coun­try from var­i­ous sources (press reviews, the inter­net, ten­der bul­letins, infor­ma­tion pro­vided directly by com­pa­nies). The col­lected data is sold to end users as subscription.

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