Dis­trib­uted pur­chase order system

The sys­tem sup­ports the processes related to the pur­chase of semi-​finished prod­ucts used to obtain end prod­ucts. The goal of the sys­tem is to reg­is­ter cus­tomers, prod­ucts, offers, con­tracts, frame­work agree­ments, orders, par­tial orders, returns, com­plaints, exchanges, pur­chase doc­u­ments. Sev­eral FMCG plants are using it now in many countries.

Sys­tem for issu­ing iden­tity cards

A pro­to­type sys­tem to enable the appli­ca­tions for new iden­tity cards to be sub­mit­ted, as based on the offi­cial form. The sys­tem makes it pos­si­ble to pre­pare a dig­i­tal photo and send it to the cen­tral data­base. Our task was to develop soft­ware for the scan­ners and cam­eras con­trolled by the system.


An intranet sys­tem for reg­is­ter­ing employ­ees’ time. The sys­tem pro­vides a multi-​level struc­ture of employ­ees, projects and activ­i­ties, as well as a cas­cade struc­ture of qual­i­fi­ca­tions. More­over, it can report work­ing time with regard to staff costs, and is inte­grated with the office entry check­ing system.

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