Mobile phone prepaid

Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem mod­ule that allows mobile phones to be pre­paid with a credit card. The sys­tem, as a whole, is oper­ated by sev­eral mobile car­ri­ers in Europe and Asia.

Tele­com infra­struc­ture registry

A sys­tem for the super­vi­sion of the processes related to devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing a mobile tele­com infra­struc­ture. The reg­istry includes the loca­tions of base sta­tions, para­me­ters of devices, con­tracts, licenses, per­sons in charge and activ­ity terms refer­ring to the func­tion­ing of a station.

Report­ing system

A busi­ness intel­li­gence solu­tion oper­at­ing on the data stored in the mul­ti­ple data­base servers of the com­pany. Data cross-​sections and aggre­ga­tions are gen­er­ated peri­od­i­cally, as was pre­de­fined by a sched­ule. The final reports are used by indi­vid­ual tele­com depart­ments (finance, mar­ket­ing, ware­house and logis­tics, technology).

CTI con­sole

The CTI-​class (Com­puter Tele­phony Inte­gra­tion) tool­bar that inte­grates tele­phone branch exchanges with inter­nal infor­ma­tion sys­tems. The con­sole is used by a carrier’s tele­phone con­tact centers.


An intranet sys­tem for track­ing and report­ing the work on IT projects. The sys­tem is used by the employ­ees and exter­nal con­sul­tants that deal with the projects of a mobile carrier.

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